Evangelism’s Flipside: A Journey of reaping the unexpected- Episode 001& 002

Men of Purpose Talks to JJ Ricci

Evangelism’s standard is at the heart of John Jay Ricci. From humble beginnings into what has become a ministry speaks of God’s faithfulness in response to simple obedience. John Jay Ricci as the times proved, circumstances were trying and challenging. From losing both parents at a boy to depression, chronic illness and near death. He desperately searched the horizon for hope, that place where answers to prayer lives. God’s faithfulness, as always, would prove gracious and absolute.

Here is the link to his book Evangelism’s Flipside: A Journey of reaping the unexpected.

Website: https://jjrbiblepreachingandteaching.wordpress.com/contact/

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733924701/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fab_wNqDFbR263VKW?fbclid=IwAR2yMPJSk0zzIyjrEZhAnl20ZnLdHKLW9woY4xypBSZNyP-bdnAjV73_r9c&pldnSite=1#

Listen to “Evangelism’s Flipside – JJ Ricci” on Spreaker.

Here is the Youtube Link: