R Irvin Paddier

Founder / President

Digital Design

Dear Friends,

It is with great joy and humility that I welcome you to the Men of Purpose website. As the President and Founder of this esteemed organization, I am honored to extend my warmest greetings to each and every one of you.

Here at Men of Purpose, we are united by a common commitment to following in the footsteps of the greatest man who ever lived, Jesus Christ.

Whether you are a long-time member or someone exploring our organization for the first time, I encourage you to explore our website and discover the wealth of resources, events, and opportunities available to you. Together, let us embark on a journey of personal growth, spiritual enrichment, and collective impact.

Thank you for joining us on this noble endeavor. May we continue to uplift and inspire one another as we strive to live lives of purpose and significance.

With gratitude and blessings,

R. Irvin Paddier
President and Founder
Men of Purpose

Our Mission

Mission Statement:

At Men of Purpose, our mission is to emulate the exemplary life of Jesus Christ, embodying His teachings of love, compassion, and service to humanity. Through unwavering dedication to our faith and commitment to personal growth, we strive to positively impact our communities, families, and the world at large.

Vision Statement:

Our vision is to cultivate a brotherhood of men who, inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, lead lives of purpose, integrity, and selflessness. We envision a world where every man embraces his divine calling, cherishes his role as a servant leader, and actively contributes to the betterment of society.

Core Values:

1. Faith: We uphold unwavering faith in Jesus Christ as our guiding light and source of strength in all endeavors.

2. Integrity: We conduct ourselves with honesty, transparency, and moral uprightness in every aspect of our lives.

3. Compassion: We demonstrate empathy and kindness towards others, extending a helping hand to those in need without discrimination.

4. Service: We dedicate ourselves to serving others selflessly, recognizing that true greatness lies in acts of humility and sacrifice.

5. Leadership: We lead by example, inspiring and empowering others to live virtuously and make positive contributions to society.

6. Community: We foster a supportive and inclusive community where men can find encouragement, accountability, and camaraderie on their spiritual journey.

Through our collective efforts guided by these values, we aim to honor the legacy of Jesus Christ and leave a lasting legacy of love, compassion, and hope for generations to come.

What can we do for you?

Get Connected

At Men of Purpose our only goal is to spread the love of Christ to all who seek it. Please join us in helping the kingdom of God grow. God Bless.