How to Become a Man of Purpose

Everything God created including mankind He created it for a specific purpose.

Purpose according to “merriam-webster means;


something set up as an object or end to be attained INTENTION



Apart from God, life has no meaning and no purpose. Teach men that God has a purpose for their lives. Teach your men that God has eternal and earthly purposes. Teach your men that all men are alike in certain respects and, as such, God prescribes four universal earthly purposes for all men. Teach your men that God also has a personal earthly purpose for each man. That purpose is the unique way in which God blends the four universals together in time, place, relationships, work, and so forth. It looks like this:

I. Eternal Purpose
   God’s eternal purpose for us is eternal life.

II. Earthly Purpose
    God’s earthly purpose for us is to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Each man is unique, and God gives each a different personal life purpose (Philippians 2:13; Acts 17:26; Ephesians 2:10; 1 Peter 4:10-11). Like a fingerprint, one’s life purpose is a one-of-a-kind set of marching orders that combines the four universal purposes to which God calls all men. That unique combination draws from a man’s spiritual gifts, natural abilities, acquired competencies, assigned times and places, roles, deeds, service, love, and the Spirit–all of which issue from Jesus Christ.


Men of Purpose is a ministry that exists to help men grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ


Become the true leaders God intended them to be within their families, churches, jobs, and communities

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