Rescue Mission

Mission Rescue – Trinidad & Tobago

Murder and talks of corruption seems to be on the mind of the average citizen of Trinidad and Tobago. While politicians are gearing up for election on September 7th 2015, another mother is making funeral arrangements to bury her son and crying to me saying “it’s not supposed to be like this… he was supposed to bury me!” We need to be rescued!

A land that was once a paradise, a jewel the envy of the Caribbean is quickly becoming the murder capital of the world. Families are afraid of venturing out in evening, hiking and having a river lime with friends used to be the average past time now the numbers for these past times are quickly dwindling.

In the midst of all this chaos I ask myself “WHERE IS THE CHURCH?” Is the church on vacation? Has the church forgotten about its role in the earth? The reason for this question is simply this, the bible tells me that Jesus in describing the church He said “…the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the church” – Matt 16:18. We have a Mission!

One of the greatest obstacles facing the church is unity.

How is it when at the smell of something that may be hazardous to the health of certain industrial workers, the OWTU (Oilfields Workers’ Trade Union) runs to the workers’ aid and shuts down the entire project, to the point as to put you and me in panic mode to get gas for our vehicle? And that’s just a trade union showing its strength, what power does the church have?

I am asking the church of Trinidad and Tobago to realize that the enemy is not the church down the street; the enemy of the church is the devil. Let us attempt something that has not been done before. Real unity of the Church of Jesus, holding hands together and magnifying the name of Jesus for our land.

The politicians don’t possess the answer, the answer is in Jesus. The land would only change when the Church intentionally changes it, in Jesus’ name.

Let us put our differences aside and life up the name of Jesus on Saturday 1st August 2015. Join the members of the body of Christ as we lift up Jesus together.

Call for more information: 716-1032.